carmen carminis

me olvide de que yo habia olvida

do olvide que yo era domingo y todo lo demas

nunca eso es algo que no puedo comprender

todavia es algo que yo ya fue y donde vivi

tuve un hogar con fuego en el area del peligro noruego y es

posible que no este loca eso fue el momento de mayor felicidad

que haya tenido iluminaban mis ojos cuando hablaban de ti

ahora se que nunca escapare no me voy a deshacer el haber

sido va a ser un camino solitario un lugar abstracto dentro de territo

rio un rio riendose de mi un olvido entre vomitos y inconcien

cia no dudas alguien va a roncar

elevado sobre sus patas traseras y muy

pronto incluso que yo olvidaba me olvidare

(from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Lost Society Comments On The Works Of Carmen By Bizet

L'ex tramonto fu vittima di movimenti della crosta terrestre sfuggiti alle misurazioni strumentali. Io scivolai in basso sotto di esso, ironia della sorte, giusto nel momento in cui mi pareva invece di ascendere. Così ho cercato di rimediare maldestramente offrendomi per tre volte ai chirurghi, pur sapendo che mai sanano l'anima. All'ombra dell'ombra dell'ex tramonto se ne sta ora l'anima mia lontana da tutti i babbuini nel popolatissimo deserto.

A un certo punto, quando meno te lo aspetti, la verità ti assale: rimani folgorato e muori e credi di essere finalmente libero. E da morto ricominci a delirare, perché forte è la carne e lo spirito debole. Peggio della carne è l'idea, ancora più forte, una delicatezza mitteleuropea, figlia più della carne che dello spirito. Non riesco a decontaminarmi dalla materia, ad affrancarmi dalla rovinosa caduta in essa. Il mio spirito vola basso e poco come un uccello ingabbiato. E solo mi beo dei tramonti colorati che rimbalzano sul mare disteso

 Radu Celan

stimmt es dass dein heldengesicht erst nach dei
nem verschwinden erscheint sourire de toute 
sa bouche cest mourir un peu ist das nicht roman
tisch subjekte ausserhalb von zeitlichen objekten existie

ren he bist du nur das einzige was wirklich ist man fragt 
mich oft waehrend der celan spass hat und mit einem zei
chen das aussieht wie ein drache betont die fragen und kuesst 
die erde von inge in eine falsche richtung von jetzt

 an wird klar dass alle freiwerberinnen auf transparente wei
se vor gericht gestellt werden muessen wenn es kei
ne inge mehr gibt wird die hoffnung dann abgewie
 sen mein herz verlaesst seine hauskatze und fliegt

 Eugen Frunză

unde ne duce greşeala cum tot stând în aseminea oale ne tre
zim că suntem chiar noi oalele sparte de la depărtare se vădeș
te castelul rausschwitz cu ochii cîrpiţi de somn construit 
din bombe de orez şi anume să hrănim pe supt fagurii lui 
bărboşi (ai somnului) moartea cu mâinile goale din locurile pe un
de n-am fost nici o dată suntem plecaţi de când eriam hristoşi 
încît am ajuns aici acolo demult ehei eria lupul căţel și noi îl
executam executăm (pe somn) din lut ne eria drag de el aco

lo unde nu sunt parii de început şi se leagănă unele mărunte ier
buri plecarea noastră eria să fie o conştiinţă care aude am atins 
un prag dincolo de care viitorul este o fostă despărţire riguroa

să după cum ajungerea a fost și ea una a prizonieratului într-un lan 
uscat şi ne încredinţarăm lanului ca şi cum ne-am fi încredințat
iarăși mării ude dinţilor ei adormiţi în pietrele ei bătute în matostat

Gordon A. Pyme

carmen carminis is nocturnal so during the day she buries herself until she i
s quite invisible the way she used to be and mostly researches and is looki
ng into a tragic accident happened that day in the old testament because i

n this night the night supresses thinking itself thinking who thinks any delat
ion her standard operating procedure goes to the netherlands to christmas 
dinner sometimes and is visiting the state hermitage museum where the men

speak italian and da vincis demons watch their mothers closely and dont ca
are well on the second floor due to a genetic anomaly or to a scent molecu
le called madonna she slips into me shes collapsing and goes down in the s

tone floor downstairs accompanied by her father and i yell „dad” and da vin
cis madonna turns around it wasnt a cheeseburger of nothingness and a pa
rt of her being but any part of nothingness but she was actually alive specifi

cally in agony more than that she will be born at a date and place agreed in 
advance between the parties as soon as this is over the rest of art remains in

delta sleep like a geese migratory path and the holy one goes back to normal 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Galicia Malicia Ferrer

Joy Joyce

Subject one:  Brothers Quai and subject two: Guenther Gross.

First place it should be realised who are their brethren and why.
But who and why are too hard to answer. Whos interested 
in these four anyway?
People dont know with their sadness and after all who cares about 
a sadness like that ?
Can imagine sadness like the knock-off of the real thing.

Now for instance Brothers Quay are talking crazy.
They make a noise at Leipzig and it's noise echoing in the mountains.
Brothers Quay cant see his face and theres no sign of his body and then are 
looking into Guenther Gross and everything they do pretty much embarrasses 
him (its about Guenther it stands to reason).
However when they say „our hearts go out to that poor child” are not 
very much mistaken.

Guenter Gross and nobody (or maybe Nimandrose ?) sitting in a tree 
of knowledge and is still smiling away to himself up there. Peoples drive 
by this tree of knowledge and dont slow down.
One does crazy things for curiosity. Guenthers tree have no roots but give 
away our inner truth.

The streets are deserted paved with gold. It's a country of mud houses 
and hogans and tents with jamming antennas a typical English countryside 
spying for the Democratic  Peoples Republic of Germany.

There is a theory according to which the Mielkes Way personal attitude 
determines the general context. 
The story goes that Guenther did smash a radio once. And in there at sixes 
and sevens were all the rights and wrongs he had done throughout his life.

Let me check up my ass cause we want to look it a little bit closer.

He said.
 And the people loved him because of the nerves.
Dressed up in his mothers clothes with empty pockets he looked the part of 
a hopeless romantic. Didn't have any money. Couldnt make it back home for 
he had no more house or have something like that but did not know how to 
get there.
A coat brought from German Democratic Republic takes out the last sense
was left in you.
Thern the the most carefree of consciosnesses relax and puts the gun down.

I was sent to a makeshift hospital in the 
house of a Dutch civilian next to the church 
where all remaining fertile women should be 
collected and impregnated.
All the women were mad for me only all the 
women were masculine in German.
And most of the guys werent the kind you 
couldnt stink in a bank.
They liked to smoke and to twist your arm 
when you still want to party after your problem 
at home. Besides Spinosa had the same flaw. 
Days just seemed to run 
together and he was burning. Pulled out his 
brain and cooked everything he touched.

Said he. 

And kids (there were a lot of little girls lying in the streets) in the street 
played a game of pretending to shoot at each other. Ignored that sound 
petending they dont hear it. You know ? Kids aren't 
quite so sympathetic if you know what I mean.
Especially if they have no face and if you know what I mean.

Profunda Rosa

hasta  ahora  nunca  he  oido mi   voz   me
escape  sola  y  no    dije a donde al  final
de  la   y especialmente   despues de  que
terminaba   la   noche    podíamos    hablar 

de todo incluyendo a las    serpientes  que
llegaron hace  un  millon     de anos   salien
do de tu boca solo para contarlo o   de mi 
salto inmortal     como misionera de las flo

res  de  roble ahora  y entonces volaba  al
to con nosotros como  si estuviera   volan
do quieta con paso sereno un paso a la vez 
tan orgullosa de mi y separada de la razon

Galicia Malicia Ferrer

si galicia malicia ferrer no sera nunca una hermo

sa princesa llamada galicia malicia ferrer yo gali
cia malicia ferrer no sere nunca habia una vez lo
que estaba cayendo esta incluido en el sitio del cho

que estoy en el lugar donde he perdido la tarde otonal

de los sentimientos argentinos y donde rompi
conmigo estas ramas de sus arboles declararan
que estan vivas gracias a mi cielos ellas me incentiva

ban a abandonar asi que empezando ahora dejare

de encontrarme en todas partes durante mi ausen
cia las aguas atlanteanas gritaran por el aire y se

quedaran pidiendo ayuda mientras yo dentro de una ho

ra sere capaz de cualqier cosa con calma lentamen
te cien veces voy a nacer de la boca para usted

 (from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet) 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Martin Heiddeger

praktisch gesehen ist carmen und maria der perfekte zweidimensionale uebelmensch 
mit den spitzen ohren ins gepaeck gestopft
sie ist poetischer als dein geld und realer als privaten leben als fleisch und blut und schatten
henne und ei hier und da als ob sie aus dem nichts erschien
ja die frauen werden erfolgreich sein wo die maenner gescheitert 
sind und umgekehrt es stimmt ich mag ein paar probleme aber sie machen mir nur staerker
die angst vor dem aussterben kommt ploetzlich und bringt 
eine gute atmosphaere von heiligkeit mit
soll aber das extasiland noch einmal in die 
naehe des schwarzen lochs finden dann muss 
es zuvor lernen im namenlosen zu existieren 
heute abend verspreche ich euch reden wir 
nicht ueber die meine neue persoenlichkeit
extasiland muss in gleicher weise sowohl die 
verfuehrung durch einen geist als auch 
die ohnmacht der vergesslichkeit erkennen und dergleichen 
nun das macht jezt nichts mehr aus weil ich sowieso bald sterbe 
oder werde wieder sterben das haben sie vielleicht gelesen und ich werd mir was 
runter saelben in klarem englisch deswegen spiele ich nur elektrische musik
ahoy ahoy bin derjenige der ins jonglierte feuer der freiheit geworfen wird

 (from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)

Martin Heiddeger

Said and done. 
Tomorrow I accidentally said Extasiland and the day before yesterday Im walking 
already through towns more specifically through its cellblocks among that life on 
 The holy fathers havent been to fix the problem.
Well Extasiland is something that could be very painful but tkankfully cant seem to fire 

out any alphabetic lava.
However on the spot theres always something that breaks something for us to break 
very essence. Delusion isnt worth the trouble.
Those are my first words that come to mind on this joyous occasion: 
1. an 
2. eneffective

3. pomp 

4. mercury 

5. running
6. on 
7. beeswax
Any serious embarrassment is simplicity itself.
And it is in the form of cylindrical codes or chimneys, thats what Im saying, so some 
serious codes that are easy to get into but there is no way out without a ring of giant electromagnets in your pocket.
Something distinctive but indefined, a huge empty with beautiful ruined homes with 
disappeared societies, evaporated ruines and so on.

What country I am in tell my eyes while my mind is telling me quite the opposite. 
In this case it can normally inferred that a country that has not existed for two thousand 
years is still very much alive and has a good time both for the internal developments in 
my eyes and for its partners: mind-brain-literature and so on.

Now Im sticking my hand in my pocket squeezing my balls but maybe a little later Ill 
put almost as well my fingers in my mouth who knows.
For now I have to make a formal statement: you see there is a very great difference 
between nothing and nothingness but I dont make it because this isnt interesting to 
anyone and no ones interested in your mouth except a few types of the wormholes.
And of my enemies of course.

According to them Im standing in the future and I havent done anything right.
Okay they may have a point and I cant fucking remember still Id like to cover all the 
bases, countries, houses, ruines and so on.
Excuse me but I still remember walking for example on the moon.

After I got back from the nothing & nothingness where I had been all night promised 
me new life and new body with me: I had eyes and couldnt see I had mouth an couldnt 
talk about it.
A stretch of nothing made of unspeakables and ineffabilities.
All the necessary conditions for a resounding failure were in place including divine approval, 
fair weather and so on.
So I know that I found a drilled walnut from the balkan 
fairytales with the inside gone originally.

This is my goddamn past crawling all over me breathing down my neck.
Fates finally giving me a second chance, said I.

And also then at the beginning I thought it was a message or some sort of vision from 
Gordon A. Pyme the knight of my woeful countenance.
He and only he was in the habit of exploiting garbage with joy and behold a giant worm 
came out of it like a superheated steam of evil.

The worm was wearing a black shirt and his grandfathers electromagnet around the neck.
And through the black holes of his black shirt you could contemplate yourself 
contemplating the streets of Baltimore as they were at the time of Project Manhattan.
Right there people walk upside down with high speed trains and pencils in the eyes.
They need to recognise one another as individuals but are to few.
Arent even succcessful in keeping the appearance of look but everything is possible if 
you want it enough although Baltimore is in a whole different place.
Despite the obvious intellectual understanding if you stare properly youll glimpse Gordon 
into a stove tumbling drugged and gassed a model of care-commitment and total delight.

Do you know what I remember most ?
The nuts internal mechanisms and some bubble blood turned into rainwater for the bath.
I also remember asking Gordon like a shotgun guano in the  mouth when he came first into 
my eyes.

Of course I do I am me if you can imagine something  me so little  you know what 
Im saying at the peak of my manhood but Im not myself right ?

And with these slimy words got out of his belly an another bad nut wrapped in a napkin of 
a black witer light. 

Look at that, Martin, I thought to myself, there are countries where single nuts just 
give rise to a variety of doubts. 

And in the vacuum opening a cheap wig sat crouched there was 
a hysterical hormone crazy one.
The posture looked exactly like Foulkners position when he was starting to get into folk 
dances at the age of creative maturity.

Do you want to see it ?  She copied his every piece of paper she could find. Every gesture, every comma and so on. Everything is possible if you want it enough, right ?
said the conqueror worm and with his pink toenails has really lifted the wigs spirits up to one tenth of a degree.

You tell him cause me he doesnt believe and in fact nobody else believes you its over anyway, said the worm to a wig already starting to writhe and shush in pain. 

She looked nice and quiet and stunk like a dead dog that caught a car and I would want to 
see her figure in profile to see if her acid stink keeps up the same level of charm.
It was around that time that I noticed the wig was not a copy of Foulkners mouvement. No absolutely not. This wig was mimicking Gordon and mimicking me and was speaking the 
words that were coming out of my mouth. She went on and on and still had any idea what 
she was talking about.

Well yes it has all been arranged with a view to accelerating of my emergence and 
for my developments. Im sure Ill just say definitive sentences and Ill just tell you heavenly things,  said the wig and its curly locks was black as corn while Gordon with his toenail scrowned her in the pate and was trying to pushing it from behind in my direction.

Im not myself, said the wig.

I feel Ive heard this story once before, said I.

Yes but only now you can hear the reality up until now a sick fantasy was, naivete, 
the flood, black doves and so on, said the wig.

This her is the spitting image of William Foulkner which is stronger than Pyme, William Wordwords and so on, said the worm been festering in our relations.

Im from Komostenytown not from Baltimore, 
said the wig and kept on speaking on her own:

And you come at me with your foolihness. Future and the future and so on. What are you breaking my balls for ? Can it be true that the future is very needy but instead our past waiting for us open-hearted. Behold the only sure thing I do know if you go by trips and so on. 
Incidentally I dont know if you realise but im not talking. No. sir not at all.  Im leaving a graceful mess behind. You should see me out of these crazy clothes. My grandfather was a magnet for repolarization in Cayro and grandma was even more excited. I was in the winds on the lifeboat and Ive recieved global applause including praises from the biggest nonexistent names in Santiago de Chile, Berlin, Freiburg im Breisgau, Buzău, Japan and so on.
Actually if you really want to know Im too lazy to put something wood on your stake.

To be fair my Foulkner is smarter than your John Huss: 
The Foulkner is dancing to the end of dance but John is burning to the end of end. Its all a question of technique, a matter of international cultural pride. 
Let me explain how it went.

The said Huss was my grandfather in Extasiland with the electromagnet around his neck. At the play of execution knelt down was burning on a very low flame. So he prayed aloud wood and straw piled up to his neck with the electromagnet of which he was not aware.
And in the heat of the moment an old woman I mean my excited grandma came to the stake in baby steps and said: 

„I cant wait for your body to cook”.

That was the darkly poetic moment that without hesitation she started breaking his bones and eating them up. 

Well it looks like unlike some people my grandma was a master of body language thats all.

 (from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)

Cesare Paese

come ho gia dichiarato negli ultimi ricordi ho lasciato i miei orribili
occhiali in macchina con il finestrino semichiuso dai miei stessi
occhi sta guardando qualcuno nel modo sbagliato
prima di essere rosso ero verde
questa assente pianura del giordano non era stata ancora sacche
ggiata e lo sguardo non fosse stato ancora progettato dalla
tua razza per poter essere efficaci i fiori infiamma
ti devono diventare parte di me

 (from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)