carmen carminis

me olvide de que yo habia olvida

do olvide que yo era domingo y todo lo demas

nunca eso es algo que no puedo comprender

todavia es algo que yo ya fue y donde vivi

tuve un hogar con fuego en el area del peligro noruego y es

posible que no este loca eso fue el momento de mayor felicidad

que haya tenido iluminaban mis ojos cuando hablaban de ti

ahora se que nunca escapare no me voy a deshacer el haber

sido va a ser un camino solitario un lugar abstracto dentro de territo

rio un rio riendose de mi un olvido entre vomitos y inconcien

cia no dudas alguien va a roncar

elevado sobre sus patas traseras y muy

pronto incluso que yo olvidaba me olvidare

(from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Galicia Malicia Ferrer

Joy Joyce

Subject one:  Brothers Quai and subject two: Guenther Gross.

First place it should be realised who are their brethren and why.
But who and why are too hard to answer. Whos interested 
in these four anyway?
People dont know with their sadness and after all who cares about 
a sadness like that ?
Can imagine sadness like the knock-off of the real thing.

Now for instance Brothers Quay are talking crazy.
They make a noise at Leipzig and it's noise echoing in the mountains.
Brothers Quay cant see his face and theres no sign of his body and then are 
looking into Guenther Gross and everything they do pretty much embarrasses 
him (its about Guenther it stands to reason).
However when they say „our hearts go out to that poor child” are not 
very much mistaken.

Guenter Gross and nobody (or maybe Nimandrose ?) sitting in a tree 
of knowledge and is still smiling away to himself up there. Peoples drive 
by this tree of knowledge and dont slow down.
One does crazy things for curiosity. Guenthers tree have no roots but give 
away our inner truth.

The streets are deserted paved with gold. It's a country of mud houses 
and hogans and tents with jamming antennas a typical English countryside 
spying for the Democratic  Peoples Republic of Germany.

There is a theory according to which the Mielkes Way personal attitude 
determines the general context. 
The story goes that Guenther did smash a radio once. And in there at sixes 
and sevens were all the rights and wrongs he had done throughout his life.

Let me check up my ass cause we want to look it a little bit closer.

He said.
 And the people loved him because of the nerves.
Dressed up in his mothers clothes with empty pockets he looked the part of 
a hopeless romantic. Didn't have any money. Couldnt make it back home for 
he had no more house or have something like that but did not know how to 
get there.
A coat brought from German Democratic Republic takes out the last sense
was left in you.
Thern the the most carefree of consciosnesses relax and puts the gun down.

I was sent to a makeshift hospital in the 
house of a Dutch civilian next to the church 
where all remaining fertile women should be 
collected and impregnated.
All the women were mad for me only all the 
women were masculine in German.
And most of the guys werent the kind you 
couldnt stink in a bank.
They liked to smoke and to twist your arm 
when you still want to party after your problem 
at home. Besides Spinosa had the same flaw. 
Days just seemed to run 
together and he was burning. Pulled out his 
brain and cooked everything he touched.

Said he. 

And kids (there were a lot of little girls lying in the streets) in the street 
played a game of pretending to shoot at each other. Ignored that sound 
petending they dont hear it. You know ? Kids aren't 
quite so sympathetic if you know what I mean.
Especially if they have no face and if you know what I mean.

Profunda Rosa

hasta  ahora  nunca  he  oido mi   voz   me
escape  sola  y  no    dije a donde al  final
de  la   y especialmente   despues de  que
terminaba   la   noche    podíamos    hablar 

de todo incluyendo a las    serpientes  que
llegaron hace  un  millon     de anos   salien
do de tu boca solo para contarlo o   de mi 
salto inmortal     como misionera de las flo

res  de  roble ahora  y entonces volaba  al
to con nosotros como  si estuviera   volan
do quieta con paso sereno un paso a la vez 
tan orgullosa de mi y separada de la razon

Galicia Malicia Ferrer

si galicia malicia ferrer no sera nunca una hermo

sa princesa llamada galicia malicia ferrer yo gali
cia malicia ferrer no sere nunca habia una vez lo
que estaba cayendo esta incluido en el sitio del cho

que estoy en el lugar donde he perdido la tarde otonal

de los sentimientos argentinos y donde rompi
conmigo estas ramas de sus arboles declararan
que estan vivas gracias a mi cielos ellas me incentiva

ban a abandonar asi que empezando ahora dejare

de encontrarme en todas partes durante mi ausen
cia las aguas atlanteanas gritaran por el aire y se

quedaran pidiendo ayuda mientras yo dentro de una ho

ra sere capaz de cualqier cosa con calma lentamen
te cien veces voy a nacer de la boca para usted

 (from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet) 

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