carmen carminis

me olvide de que yo habia olvida

do olvide que yo era domingo y todo lo demas

nunca eso es algo que no puedo comprender

todavia es algo que yo ya fue y donde vivi

tuve un hogar con fuego en el area del peligro noruego y es

posible que no este loca eso fue el momento de mayor felicidad

que haya tenido iluminaban mis ojos cuando hablaban de ti

ahora se que nunca escapare no me voy a deshacer el haber

sido va a ser un camino solitario un lugar abstracto dentro de territo

rio un rio riendose de mi un olvido entre vomitos y inconcien

cia no dudas alguien va a roncar

elevado sobre sus patas traseras y muy

pronto incluso que yo olvidaba me olvidare

(from The Lost Society: comments on the works of carmen by bizet)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bertolt Friedrich Brech

motto 1

ia spunemi mai fratioare ursul ce lucruti sopti
cand se puse la urecheati sincepu a hohoti (google please)
Anton Peter Pann Grim Picker: Ursul Si Calatorii

motto 2

lies es nicht weil es sowieso nutzlos ist

carmens boyfriend whatever you want to call him in a state of impos
sible emergency of involuntary eyeballs vaporized trillions of miles 
from home well carmens boyfriend put together and watching himself 
is sitting at a marble round table eating lobster on the other side (!)
of the table a typewriter is trying to do something about a wo
man the woman looks like dimitri ivanovich mendeleev she has 
a big scraggly beard  and wears two pairs of glasses one at the 
front and one at the back communicating with a sentimen
tal link a copper wire that symbolizes the present insipid this
present is going for a long loop around the table and becomes 
an impure flavor a flavor of fear both sweet and bitter a fear 
that can be seen in both pairs of glasses if you look with the eyes 
of your dissapearing mind and with the eyes of your mind you can see 
hung on the hook of a typewriter the carmens boyfriend eating lobster and 
swallowing his long mother tongue hey you past tense come down 
from the sky it does not correspond to the immediate reality whats my voice 
sound like in there asks the typewriter although a typewriter never asks 
for anything et plus encore repondre ou descendre cest pisser un peu 

from Comments On The Works Of Carmen By Bizet

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